
WirelessTetherforRootUsers.Thisprogramenablestethering(viawifi)forrootedhandsetsrunningandroid(suchastheAndroidDevPhone1).,FoxFiWiFiTetherw/oRootisapracticalapplicationdesignedtoenablethesharingofyourphone'sinternetconnectionwithotherdeviceswithout ...,NetShare+是NetShare的精簡版,但主要區別在於NetShare+在root設備上工作,以支持原始NetShare應用程序不支持的設備(如ps4、xbox等),並且還為非Androi...

Android WiFi Tether

Wireless Tether for Root Users. This program enables tethering (via wifi) for rooted handsets running android (such as the Android DevPhone 1).

FoxFi WiFi Tether wo Root for Android

FoxFi WiFi Tether w/o Root is a practical application designed to enable the sharing of your phone's internet connection with other devices without ...

NetShare+ Wifi Tether

NetShare + 是NetShare 的精簡版,但主要區別在於NetShare + 在root 設備上工作,以支持原始NetShare 應用程序不支持的設備(如ps4、xbox 等),並且還為非Android ...


RouterNet - [root] Wifi tethering - Turn your android device to Wi-Fi hotspot to share data/Wi-Fi connection with your other devices. - Root access required ...

RouterNet[ROOT]-Wifi Repeater 安卓APK下載

在安卓設備上免費下載RouterNet[ROOT]-Wifi Repeater (1.7) APK。使用Wifi Direct共享互联网连接(包括wifi.)

wifi tethering

2020年1月26日 — The build prop app does have SuperUser access. I found that this method may not be an option in Android 10 but curious if anyone has found ...

[APP][ROOT][6+] Tether TPROXY v0.1 (USB, Wifi Hotspot, ...

2022年3月28日 — This allows you to tether through your phone's internet source, be it a VPN or whatever else. Should also bypass APN classification and TTL/HL ...

[求救]Hero root 使用WIFI tether的問題(第2頁)

[求救]Hero root 使用WIFI tether的問題 ... 我也是使用此版本的apk,但是前提也是需要root後才能使用. ... 哇我的剛剛更新玩..WIFI tether不能用了ROOT不建了.我啟動執行show, ...